Thursday, October 30, 2014

Mother/Son Cosplay

I love to Cosplay! :]

I try to go to conventions every year. I've been going since high school, which has been about five years. Conventions are so much fun to me. I love the atmosphere, the comradery, and the craziness. I absolutely love being around people, despite how introverted I tend to be. I would much rather be in a crowd of people and have no one to talk to than to be alone.

I have done a few cosplays over the years and all, except one, I made myself. I have taught myself how to sew and it's actually not that difficult. I can't hand sew worth crap, but I can use a sewing machine. The only problem I seem to have, constantly, is that I keep breaking my sewing machine needles. If anyone has suggestions for avoiding this problem please comment below.

My first cosplay...Sora from Kingdom Hearts 2

Okay, I had a major hair fail that year. I had tried to use my own hair for Sora's hair, but we failed epically. So, to keep me from cutting my own hair, my friend slicked it down and I walked around like that. That convention taught me a lot about costume malfunctions and that cutting corners with costumes is not good. The straps on my pants fell off, the collar on the jacket didn't lay right, and my shoes tried to fall apart, too. Yes, I made the whole costume: shoes, keyblade, clothes, gloves, neck chain, everything. I even wore blue contacts. You may have, or may not have, seen my how to video on youtube:

My second cosplay...Raichu from Pokemon

This one isn't as good, but I did make the vest myself. I made bows for my hair and I used electrical wires for the tail cause I thought that it made sense.

I cosplay as Sora every time I go to a convention and each year I make small improvements on it.

Now I need to remake the shoes completely and I need to get a wig professionally made cause the wig I tried to make failed as well. On the plus side, that year I found a BA Roxas cosplayer. She made her keyblades out of fiberglass! I'm jelly.

That year I also had a steampunk outfit that I made myself. I made the earrings, the bow, the necklace, the skirt, the coat, and the corset. The only thing I didn't make were the shoes and the petticoat underneath.

Tweedledee from Kiddy Grade

The only part of this costume I made was the dress. This costume was quite uncomfortable to wear. I think I flashed people several times throughout the day. At one point I tried to sit on the floor and I feel bad for the people sitting across from me. The only thing that made this costume so hard to wear were the thigh high, 5", leather heels. Oh my word. Never again. lol Either that or I need to find different shoes to wear.


This is my default costume. Self-explanatory. I didn't make this costume. I bought it from a Halloween store.

The only costume I don't have pictures of is my Peorth, from Ah! My Goddess, cosplay. I made the costume myself with suede fabric and jersey fabric. I will never again be able to wear this costume since I now have a mommy belly. So, this costume is up for sale to anyone who is interested.


I now have a son, as you know. So, I have been looking for mother and son pairings.

I have officially decided on two for both of us together and then one for each of us individually.

Bulma and Trunks from Dragon Ball Z

Trisha and Alphonse Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist

Moogle (Cooper)

Nuriko from Fushigi Yuugi (Me)

I haven't decided which outfit I want to make. Which one do you think I should make?


Monday, October 27, 2014

My Birth Story

When I found out that I was pregnant I was in disbelief and shock. My husband, N, and I had decided that we were not going to try for kids, but we were going to stop trying not to have kids. We were both at a point in our lives where we would be mentally ready to add a child into the mix. So, we knew what we were setting ourselves up for. Between you and me, I was secretly hoping that we would be one of those couples who could take years to actually conceive a baby.

[It's not as bad as it sounds. I am in no way glamorizing that kind of situation and my heart goes out those who desperately want children, but, for one reason or another, cannot.]

I was simply overwhelmed with finally taking that step to try for children. One, because I still had at least two years left of classes to take for my Bachelor's degree. Two, because that's a big decision and not one to be taken lightly anyway.

I doubted all the way up until my first ultrasound, which was the Monday before Thanksgiving. The first time I heard my lo's heartbeat it brought me to tears. I was so bogged down with emotions that I didn't know how to feel at that point. It took a few more months before I began to feel the joy of motherhood. In the meantime, I decided that I wanted to have a natural birth. I am not against having medication for childbirth. Not everyone can handle that kind of pain and that’s okay. The reason I had decided not to use it is because I don’t like how it effects my mind. I wanted to be able to have as much control as possible. During my research I found a great website that gave me valuable information on natural birthing. They give you breathing and relaxation techniques. There’s information for the people who you want to be with you in the delivery room, too.

The next step was to make my birth plan, which I did make. The only thing it did was help me get my thoughts in order. Speaking of which, this is a true example of life not turning out how we expect it to. We hear story after story about women who spent hours, or even days, in labor with their first child. So, naturally that’s what I expected.
The two days leading up to the day I gave birth, my temperature was soaring, low-grade, but still my face was quite flushed. I didn’t get the usual nesting urge, since I had been doing so for the past several months. I did however get really moody and slightly depressed.

I went to bed Saturday night without any thought about what was coming my way. Sunday morning, I woke up at 3:30 am to what felt like menstrual cramps. I wasn’t sure what was going on so I waited an hour before I went to my mother in the other room. She put her hand on my almost ten month swollen belly and determined that I was indeed having contractions. They were about 4-6 minutes apart and at about a 4 on the pain scale. I wasn’t completely convinced that I was in labor and I didn’t want to show up at the hospital just to leave because I was in false labor. So, we stayed at the house. I took a shower to try to relax my muscles. It didn’t work. Afterward, I went to sit on the couch and had to stand right back up because of a contraction. My husband slept through all of this, thinking that we were just getting ready for church early. We ended up not waking him up until about ten minutes before we left the house. I didn't want to get him up until we knew that we were actually leaving the house.

We arrived at the hospital around 6:30 am. As we walked through the doors of the hospital my mother hands me her pillow to squeeze and I ended up biting the pillow to get myself through another contraction. My doctor was not on duty at the time and the nurses were taking their time, expecting no more than we were. I kept thinking to myself, "This had better be real labor because I can't handle this kind of pain, again." Shortly after we arrived a nurse checked me and I was dilated to 1cm. My pain was quickly getting worse, at about a 6 on the pain scale.

At 7:10 my water broke, gushing out onto the hospital bed that I was sitting in. At this point the nurses became frantic. They began attaching my IV and getting fluids and antibiotics into my system. My nurse checked my dilation again and I was at 9cm. My mother kept telling me to breathe and while I didn't mind her talking since it kept my sanity intact. At one point though she was breathing in my face and I looked at her and told her stop. I probably sounded possessed at that point, but I was in a lot of pain. The only painkiller I ended up getting was one shot of Demerol and all it did was take the edge off the contractions. Believe me, those last few contractions, before I began to push, were excruciating! Once the nurse let me start pushing, (the doctor had not arrived yet, by the way), the pain subsided and it actually gave me relief. It’s amazing how my body knew exactly how to react to all of this. I hadn’t taken any classes for childbirth. It was instinct. I knew when my body was telling me to push out that baby and I’ve never been more certain about anything in my life than at that moment.

(The doctor did finally arrive. After I had started pushing, btw.)

 My son was born at 8:29am on a Sunday in June. He was 8 lbs. 6 oz. and was 20.75" long. He had dark green eyes and light brown hair.

I hope you enjoyed reading about my birth story. I would love to learn about yours. Please share your story, if you want, by leaving a link in the comments below.

À bientôt! :]

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Welcome to Intricately Chic!

Welcome to Intricately Chic!
I’ve always wanted to start a blog, but I’ve never been brave enough until now to actually try it. What I’d really like to make is a vlog. However, that is not something within my capabilities. So, I am here. I am excited to kick this thing off and to get to know those of you who choose to read what I have to say.

To start off I need to introduce myself. How can I truly reach out to others when my readers don’t know who I am?


You can call me Wyte (pronounced white). I am in my mid-twenties, married, with one child. I am currently going to school, here in Arkansas, to receive a Bachelor’s Degree in Studio Art with a minor in French. My mother tells me that I’ve been drawing since I could hold a pencil in my hand. Art is one of the biggest passions in my life and I couldn’t imagine my life without it. You can look forward to future posts where I will highlight my current work, art shows that I’m participating in, and reviews on other artist’s work.


Another passion of mine is my religious belief and lifestyle. I know that there are many people who do not agree with religion, but I would be doing myself and everyone else a disservice if I do not speak out about this part of my life, since it is so important to me. I am a Baptist. I attend church services at least three times a week: Sunday morning, Sunday evening, and Wednesday evening. I also attend the various activities hosted by my church. Now, I am by no means perfect and I will never profess to be. My purpose is not to offend and I hope that you will come to see that. I understand that everyone has the right to choose how you want to live your life and you are entitled to your own opinion. I respect that. Please respect mine.


My husband, Nick, is also in his mid-twenties. He is two years older than I am. My husband and I have been married for 5.5 years, but we have known each other for over ten years. Our families knew each other before we had even met so we have quite a bit of history despite how young we both were when we got married (I was eighteen at the time). Currently, he is a Security Forces member in the Air Force, but by July of 2015 he will no longer be enlisted. He plans to continue in the civilian police force. I will talk more about this in later posts as this is a topic that weighs heavily on my mind.


My son’s name is Cooper and he is 4.5 months old. I love being a mother. It’s so much more fun than I had anticipated and it makes me smile just talking about him. He makes my life so much more difficult, but he is totally worth it. Before I got pregnant I was never one to do much research on anything, at least not in depth. Since about halfway through my pregnancy I have become a lot more informed on topics concerning my child. I will be talking more about him in future posts, giving updates on how he’s growing and learning and on topics that relate to infants/children/parenthood.

Alright, now that I have given you a little insight into my life, please feel free to say hello and introduce yourself if you wish.

À bientôt! :]
A family portrait taken when Cooper was 2 weeks old.