Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Baby Update

This is the first of this type of update I have done so far. So, I'm going to include some pictures of Cooper's first four months.

5 Months

He is a chunk. I stepped on the scale without him and then I stepped on the scale with him. I think he is around 19 lbs. He is also about 26-27 inches long. He's not so much round as he is long. He has gained about 3 lbs since his four month well baby check.

He has one long stretch of sleep at nighttime. We try to have him in bed no later 9 pm. This is something of his own design. He starts to get really sleepy around 6 or 7 in the evenings. I would keep him up later if I could, but he will not tolerate it. Then, he usually wakes up around 6:30 am. At the beginning of the month he was taking naps really well. He's always been a sleepy baby, content to just be, but recently he's been more awake. He takes maybe two naps a day and they range from 20 minutes to 2 hours.

He does drink formula. I did make an attempt to breastfeed, but there were complications, mainly for me. I have struggled with depression my whole life and I had PPSD really bad at the time. There were other complications, but I'm not gonna go into depth here. I pumped for about a month. He was about 5 weeks old when I stopped. He drinks about 6-7 ounces, with rice cereal mixed in, every three hours. We have also introduced solids and he has already had peas, sweet potatoes, carrots, yellow squash, and green beans, in that order. Peas and yellow squash are his favorites. Sweet potatoes give him a splotchy face and he doesn't like carrots for some reason. He makes the funniest face when he eats carrots! Haha! Oh, we have introduced a sippy cup, also. It's just to get him used to having the sippy cup around. I don't expect him to get it right away though.

He is currently wearing size 3 diapers. He's been in size threes for over a month now. He's a chunk. It doesn't look like he'll be transitioning to fours anytime soon though.

He has way too much clothing. I had clothing stockpiled for up to 18 months before he was even born. Right now he wears 3-6 month onesies and pants. The sleeves on the longsleeve shirts are too short now, but the short sleeve shirts are fine. He wears 6-9 month sleepers cause the smaller sizes are too short. He doesn't wear hats often because they don't stay on his head very well.

Usually, he's a content and happy baby. When he was newborn he had really bad colic. He grew out of it at three to four months. However, he inherited all of my allergies. I get hay fever when the weather changes, I'm allergic to pretty much everything outside, and I'm allergic to pet dander (We have two full grown dogs). I have a few others that aren't worth naming, but they exist. So, my nose is either stuffy or runny throughout the year. Cooper has the same problems I have with it all. He hasn't been sleeping properly during the day so his mood has kind of plummeted lately.

He doesn't show too much interest in things yet, but he has figured out how to shake a rattle. He likes to chase after a weeble wobble toy that my parents bought for him, but it makes him so mad because he hasn't figured out how to go after it when it rolls away from him. He also really like his walker, which isn't a traditional walker. It is Bright Starts brand and it is called Doodle Bug Around We Go Activity Station. He loves to play with all the toys attached to it. He also likes to watch Sesame St. He only watches about 20-30 minutes at a time once a day if not every other day. He loves Elmo.

He is still having issues with tummy time. He has built up his muscle strength to where he can sort of push-up with his arms, he can hold his head 90 degrees, he turns to look around, and he's started bending his knees up underneath himself, but he doesn't last very long on his tummy before he gets fussy. He HATES having his nose messed with. He doesn't mind the rest of his face being touched, but if you start messing with his nose he freaks out.

Things I want to remember...
Meemaw, Geepaw, and Aunt Dea came to visit at the beginning of this month. We had a great time. Cooper and his geepaw have matching Star Wars hoodies. It's too cute. He also got his first two teeth this month. The front two on the bottom. That was an awful three days. He did not handle it well.

Things I'm looking forward to...
I am definitely looking forward to when he starts crawling. I know that means that I'm going to have start watching him more carefully, but I'm so excited.

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