Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Think Twice

I am not writing this blog to pass judgement on anyone. What you decide to do with your life is your business and you have the freedom to make your own choices.

I had my son at the age of 23. That's not that young, in my opinion, to be having a child. However, there are young women in their teens who are either trying to have a child or are participating in sexual activities that can lead to having a child.

I simply want to help bring awareness. At the bottom of this blog I have included a link to a video that I thought was fairly well made and does well in explaining the life of a teen mom. The video was posted by britneyandbaby on YouTube, but you can also find it on the video lists for the other young women participating in the video.

If you are thinking about getting pregnant at a young age my only hope is that you will think twice about it. Do not go into a situation like that without knowing and planning for the things that come along with it.

 Every situation is what you make of it. So, if you have a bad attitude towards something then it probably will seem like more of a burden to you than if you have a positive attitude.


As a parent I sacrifice a lot. I only have one child right now, but I know many women who have five children and I have no idea how they keep their sanity. The majority of my time, every day, is spent on my son, whether it's feeding him, playing with him, changing his diaper, reading to him, or any number of other activities that he requires of me.


I had already been in school for about four years when my son was born. So, I am determined to continue with school until I have finished my degree, which should only take a couple more semesters. Having a child is making it all take much longer. A four year degree has turned into a six year degree. Also, I now have to be concerned about childcare. On days that my husband isn't working he takes my son for the morning while I'm in class, but when he's working I have to take my son to daycare. I had to decide who was going to watch him and how much I could afford to pay.


My freedom has been restricted. I can't just leave the house anymore. Now I have to make sure that my son is dressed properly, his diaper is clean, and everything that needs to be is in his diaper bag. It takes me twice as long to get out of the house now.


It's much more difficult to hold relationships with friends now, too. My friends have to be willing to stick around. If they don't want to deal with me and my child then there's nothing I can do to keep them from leaving my life. Fortunately, my friends have stuck with me. I have to consider now who my child is going to interact with. I also know women with children so that means that my son has someone to grow up with and play with who is his age.

Decision Making

All of the decisions I make now revolve around my son and whether or not it will benefit him. I can no longer only think of myself.


My son is a blessing to me not a burden. He can make my life difficult on occasion and on some days, quite often, but I wouldn't give him up. My husband's and my decision was based on a certain level preparedness. We are in a position to take care of a child. If you do not have the resources necessary to properly care for a child on your own or with your significant other than please think twice and wait. If not for your own sake than for your child's sake because they don't ask to be brought into this world. So, let's bring them into a situation where they can thrive.

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